Saturday, August 23, 2008



Yet to be Judged ::

Berlusconi Silvio and all the G8 leaders.

You are 8 , we are



Oh if I miss my country, but what happened to this guys dressed in blue in the car of the picture.

Those young men whom have given a chance to be little, very little killers, like other thousands little killers that day in the streets of Genoa.

They were payed to kill us.

What happened to those morons who drove on the dead body of Carlo Giuliani in Genova?

2001, the year of the lies !

*jajajaja 777

The fact that they passed with their car on a dead body should shake the sky.

Actually it did. I clearly remember.

Did they try to shut off the dignity of whom does not turn the other way ?

I knew at that point that there was no way back for me, the 20 th of July, genoa was palestina and palestina was argentina.

No way back, non violence is not the answer. Resistance was the answer against fascism.


Carlo resisted and teached me what is an human being.

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