Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Nicht ist war, alles ist erlaubt
23 the Magic Number
32 is the number of total manifestation. It is Ichid - ego/self - the prism through which is projected phenomenal manifestation on the obverse of the Tree. 32 is of the Tree of Life (obverse / manifestation / being / phenomena).
23 is the reverse of 32. Hence, 23 is the number emblematic of the other or reverse side of the Tree. 23 is the essence of the Tree of Death (reverse / non-manifestation / non-being / noumena). 23 'manifests' by dividing itself (into being): 2 รท 3 = .666 (the Beast). As 666 is to 32, so 23 is to the reverse of 666 that is 999. - The Beast 'made flesh' is a reflection or ingress of 23 / 999 (noumena) into phenomena as 32 / 666.
On another level, 23 signals the chaotic state between two stable states. As such, it fits into the category of 'in-between-ness'. It is therefore one of those things which is Not. 23 is one from the demonic hosts of Non-being about to invade Being.
The 93 Current will split apart the unconsciously created world we inhabit. 23 is not identical with 93, but an emanation from it.
23 -The Number of Physical Immortality
Each of the prime numbers has its own identity. 23 is the number for physical immortality, everlasting life, eternal youth, and the secret of the Holy Grail. Prime numbers are those numbers that can not be divided by any other number. Other primes: 11 is the number of magic, 13 is feminine unity, 17 is masculine unity.
The association of 23 with physical immortality has been developed in the writings of Aleister Crowley, Robert Anton Wilson. Crowley gave meaning to all the primes between 11 and 100. He felt that 23 was the frequency of the life force at its highest in nature, at the spring equinox. For mystics, immortal life is present in nature, and to find life at its highest vibration anywhere is to touch the secret of the Grail. Wilson, who is greatly influenced by Crowley, made 23 into his supreme number for synchronicity. Be aware of 23 as it appears in your life, and it will guide you along your pathway of magic and greater life.
It seems as if the universe has mysteriously placed 23 in many locations to act as signposts for the journey. Thankfulness is the quality of physical immortality. Try to generate this virtue in every environment in which you notice the magical prime, 23.
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