Friday, November 03, 2006
Love in the Time of Capitalism
conversation with Micha ::
:: Berlin middle October 2006
If George Orwell once said "If love means anything, it means loving some things more than others" then the consequential concept is the fact that love creates classismus.
The positive and the negative are one. Certainly in harmony with each other but there is no straight line to the infinite pleasure that is connected to the original idea or whatever is widely recognized as love.
Utopistic, so to say, since is proved that love can give you this mirror feeling.
So is no surprise to see how capitalism acts inside human relationships.
The rules are nowadays the same, how much you collect or how many valuable contacts you have. Micha was saying that capitalism is inside the mentality of people.
Is not objectively seen but subjectively, without people recognising it.
Even many people of the anarchist scene seems to have problem to relate to each other in a constructive way. Micha seems to think that capitalism has entered inside our minds obstructing freedom and development.
He was saying that a relationship is sometimes like a market where people give themselves a certain value due to how beautiful they think they are, or what kind ofcultural and social capital they have and for a capital considered to be big they ask the partner to give his capital which is the ability to work (real work and emotional work) like the old capitalist exchange/exploitation.
I would add that people can be considered not for what they are but for what they can offer in terms of considering the people around you not anymore as your friends but like working partners. This way of relating to someone as an exchanging objects/ knowledge person who won't consider you in terms what there is outside the material value they give to you is pretty sad.
Thank you micha for being more than that!